The Demonstration Workshops took place between 24 and 25 May, in Porto and Lisbon. Download the presentation and learn more about the contents presented in the Digi4Construction Workshop, on May 24th, at 09h30, in Porto.
The Demonstration Workshops took place between 24 and 25 May, in Porto and Lisbon. Download the presentation and learn more about the contents presented in the Digi4Construction Workshop, on May 24th, at 09h30, in Porto.
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PPS3, Digital Twin for Operation and Maintenance, focuses on the Asset Management area, with the necessary extensions being made to the data unifying platform that will give origin to DataDelivery4Assets and the Digital Twin application, giving origin to the DigitalTwin4Assets application.
Check out our 4th Infographic and learn more about PPS3 and its main activities!
PPS4, Living Lab Paving and BIM Demostrator for Civil Works, is dedicated to the integration of the solutions developed in the previous PPS, providing integrator platforms and building full scale demonstrators of the interoperability of the different APP’s through the realization of a Living Lab of PAV 4.0 paving and also a demonstrator of the BIM4Bridges application.
Check out our 5th Infographic and learn more about PPS4 and its main activities!
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